In the digital age, Pinterest stands as an unparalleled haven for design enthusiasts. This platform isn't just a collection of images. It's like a giant catalog of stunning home designs, offering endless inspiration for your perfect space.

But let's be real—turning those beautiful pins into your actual living room isn't always as simple as a click. That's why we're here. We're diving into the journey of turning those Pinterest boards into real, cozy spaces in your home.

In this article, we'll explore how Pinterest shapes our design taste, how to pick and organize your pins like a pro and tackle the challenges of making these dreams a reality.

Table of Contents

The Power of Pinterest in Interior Design

Pinterest is a trendsetter in the world of interior design. It acts as a virtual mood board, reflecting and often shaping the evolving tastes of homeowners and decorators. By curating an extensive collection of design ideas, styles, and themes, Pinterest becomes an indispensable tool for those seeking inspiration for their living spaces.

One of Pinterest's superpowers lies in its ability to tell visual stories. It's not just about individual images but the narratives they create. Users don't just pin images. They curate stories—ones that narrate their ideal home, from the color schemes to furniture arrangements. This aspect of storytelling guides users to envision and strive for their perfect living spaces. Let’s learn how to use Pinterest in the best possible effective way!

Pinterest planning for interior design

Curating Your Dream Interior

Crafting your ideal living space starts with a carefully curated Pinterest journey. In this section, we'll explore the key instructions to enhance your Pinterest experience and create a more captivating vision for your dream interior.

Strategies for effective Pinterest board curation


1. Selecting themes & styles

Pinpointing themes and styles is the cornerstone of effective Pinterest board curation. Define your aesthetic preferences—be it minimalist, rustic, or eclectic—ensuring a focused and inspiring collection of ideas.

2. Utilizing boards for different spaces

Segment boards for specific areas like the living room, bedroom, kitchen, etc. Organizing boards by spaces allows for a more organized and targeted approach, aiding in envisioning unique designs for each area.

3. Incorporating personal touches

Customize your boards with personal flair. Think beyond room visuals. Pin favorite decors, DIY projects, color schemes, textures, materials, and even maintenance instructions. You can find inspiration even in cinematic or character-driven interiors from a beloved movie or show. Think ‘Blair Waldorf interior’ or ‘Carrie Bradshaw closet inspiration’. Aim to make your Pinterest board a rich resource showcasing your unique preferences.

To sum it up, here are some search terms you can use on Pinterest for interior design:

  • Color schemes
    • Neutral color palettes
    • Bold and vibrant colors
    • Monochromatic designs
    • Pastel color inspirations
    • Earthy tone decor
    • Moody and dark interiors
    • Bright and airy spaces
  • Materials and textures
    • Wood decor ideas
    • Metal accents in interiors
    • Marble design inspiration
    • Concrete in home decor
    • Textile and fabric inspiration
    • Leather decor elements
    • Glass in interior design
    • Ceramic and pottery decor
  • Functional elements
    • Storage solutions
    • Lighting fixtures
    • Flooring ideas
    • Wall decor inspiration
    • Window treatments
    • Furniture design
    • Shelving and organization
    • Fireplace designs
    • Mirrors in decor
  • DIY & budget-friendly
    • DIY home decor projects
    • Upcycling and repurposing ideas
    • Budget-friendly interior design
    • Thrift store decor finds
    • Quick home makeover tips
    • Affordable room makeovers
    • Creative DIY storage solutions
    • Low-cost decor hacks
  • Specific themes
    • Eco-friendly design ideas
    • Vintage and retro interiors
    • Coastal and beach house decor
    • Rustic and farmhouse chic
    • Minimalist lifestyle inspirations
    • Urban jungle
    • Boho chic outdoor spaces
Planning a pinterest board for interior design


Instructions for enhancing Pinterest boards


1. Making better Pinterest boards

  • Consistency. It's crucial to stick to a single theme or style across your board. This keeps everything organized. Trust us—a messy Pinterest profile can trigger your inner procrastinator, and we definitely want to avoid that! Aim to craft a smooth visual story right from the start.
  • Regular updates. Keep the board fresh by regularly adding new pins that align with your vision.
  • Quality over quantity. Curate selectively. Focus on quality pins that truly inspire rather than overwhelming the board with numerous images.
  • Organizing pins. Use sections within boards to categorize different aspects, making it easier for others (and yourself) to navigate.
  • Upload personal images. Share your DIY projects or spaces in your home by uploading your own images to boards. This adds authenticity and personalizes the vision.

2. Finding compelling content on Pinterest

  • Keywords & tags. Utilize specific keywords when searching to refine results and find more relevant content.
  • Explore categories. Dive into different categories to discover fresh ideas and diverse perspectives.
  • Utilize Pinterest tools. Use Pinterest's "Related Pins" and explore the "More Ideas" section for diverse content. For instance, while searching for "Mid-Century Modern Sofas," explore related pins to discover matching coffee tables or complementary décor items.
  • Engage with the community. Comment on and follow boards that resonate with your style to discover new trends and ideas.

3. Popular keywords for various interior design styles

Below you’ll find a list of popular keywords for various interior design styles.

Scandinavian Minimalism

  • Nordic design
  • Hygge interiors
  • Scandinavian chic
  • Simple living

Bohemian Eclectic

  • Boho décor
  • Eclectic interiors
  • Free-spirited design
  • Global-inspired décor

Industrial Loft

  • Urban loft style
  • Industrial chic
  • Warehouse living
  • Raw and rugged interiors

Mediterranean Coastal

  • Mediterranean villa style
  • Coastal living
  • Spanish hacienda
  • Riviera chic

Mid-Century Modern

  • Retro modern interiors
  • Atomic age design
  • Vintage modern style
  • 50s/60s inspired décor

Farmhouse Rustic

  • Country farmhouse style
  • Rustic charm
  • Shabby chic interiors
  • Farmhouse-inspired décor

Art Deco Glam

  • Roaring twenties interiors
  • Gatsby-inspired décor
  • Luxe and glamorous design
  • Vintage Hollywood regency

Transitional Elegance

  • Modern classic interiors
  • Timeless design
  • Transitional style
  • Effortless sophistication

Contemporary Urban

  • City loft living
  • Contemporary urban chic
  • Modern metropolitan design
  • Sleek and edgy interiors


Making a mood board for interior design

From Virtual to Reality: Steps to Implementation

Turning Pinterest dreams into real-life spaces is like solving a fascinating design puzzle. In this chapter, learn how to transform Pinterest boards into tangible, breathtaking interiors.

Setting realistic expectations

Transitioning from a perfectly curated Pinterest board to an actual living space requires setting realistic expectations. Recognize that not everything on Pinterest is feasible or suitable for your space. Understanding the limitations and possibilities is crucial. It will allow for a smoother transition from virtual dreams to tangible reality.

Budgeting considerations

Dreams need to align with budgets. Assessing financial constraints is imperative when translating Pinterest inspirations into real-life spaces. It involves evaluating costs, setting priorities, and seeking affordable alternatives without compromising the overall vision.

Identifying key elements

Breaking down the virtual mood boards into tangible elements is essential. Identify key design elements that can be feasibly incorporated into your space. Think color schemes, furniture styles, or specific decor items. This step ensures a focused approach toward implementation.

Understanding the significance of functionality alongside aesthetics

Beauty isn't everything. Functionality matters too. Balancing aesthetics with practicality ensures your space isn't just visually appealing. It also serves its purpose. Think about traffic flow, furniture placement, and storage solutions. These marry style with usability.

Balancing professional guidance & DIY approaches

Balancing professional expertise with DIY enthusiasm is key. Seeking guidance from interior designers or decorators is still important. These professionals can provide invaluable insights into translating Pinterest inspirations into reality.

Additionally, DIY hacks allow you to personalize your space affordably. Embrace your inner creative and resourceful self. From upcycling furniture to crafting unique decor pieces, these hands-on projects infuse character into your interiors. Moreover, they allow you to mirror the Pinterest aesthetics within your own capabilities.


Pantone cards on wall for mood board creation

Translating the Pinterest Board into Action Steps

Here’s how to translate your Pinterest board into real action steps!

Prioritizing elements

  • Identifying key features. Highlight and prioritize essential elements or design aspects from your Pinterest board that align with your vision and budget.
  • Phased implementation. Plan a phased approach for implementing design elements. Do this based on their significance and financial impact.

Identifying key starting points

  • Starting point identification. Determine which area or room will serve as the starting point for the interior design project. Consider factors like functionality and visibility.
  • Progressive implementation. Develop a step-by-step progression plan, outlining how each element from the Pinterest board will be incorporated into the space. Having a plan will ensure a cohesive and gradual transformation.

Utilizing Pinterest as a tool during implementation

Did you know that Pinterest isn't just for inspiration—it's a goldmine for connecting with trusted suppliers and companies too? Take a closer look at your boards and pins. Often, the original product pins are posted by the companies themselves. This direct link means you can source precisely what you've pinned directly from the supplier.

For a prime example, explore Deccoprint's Pinterest profile. It’s a treasure trove of wallpaper inspiration categorized to match various preferences. Take a look at categories like 'Damask interior design' or 'Terrazzo wallpaper' for specific and refined inspirations.


Creating the end result of your mood board

Unveiling Your Dream Space Through Pinterest

In essence, Pinterest isn't just a platform for inspiration or a social media pastime. It’s a powerful tool for bringing your dream interior to life. Beyond beautiful images, it's also a direct pathway to actual products that align precisely with what you've envisioned and pinned. Get ready to turn all those interior dreams into reality now that you’ve mastered using this tool to your advantage!

March 27, 2024