The Impact of Lighting on Interior Design and How to Apply It in Your Own Space

The Impact of Lighting on Interior Design and How to Apply It in Your Own Space

Lighting plays a huge role. It’s not just about lamps and bulbs. In this article, we’re going to explore how lights affect the way we see a room and how we can use them as decoration. So get ready to discover why lighting is the secret ingredient that makes our spaces amazing!
April 24, 2024
Bringing the outdoors in: incorporating biophilic design in your home

Bringing the outdoors in: incorporating biophilic design in your home

We'll discover how including plants, natural textures, and elements inspired by nature can transform your home into a more relaxing and inviting place. Learn about the art of biophilic design, which is all about making your home a peaceful retreat by bringing the outdoors in.

November 29, 2023
Transform your bathroom into a relaxing spa retreat: decor and renovation tips and ideas

Transform your bathroom into a relaxing spa retreat: decor and renovation tips and ideas

From calming color palettes to luxurious accessories, let's explore the art of bathroom decoration and discover how you can transform this space into your very own SPA. So prepare to indulge in the ultimate in-home SPA experience.

November 22, 2023
Embrace the spirit of the fall season: decorating for thanksgiving

Embrace the spirit of the fall season: decorating for thanksgiving

To fit the holiday theme you will need to adjust some decor for Halloween and Thanksgiving, but that said there are some decor pieces that you can use throughout all fall. Let’s see what they are!

November 15, 2023
Travel inspired room makeover

Travel inspired room makeover

To have travel-inspired room decor, you don’t have to be a seasoned traveler who has seen beyond the seven seas. Travel means so much more than just visiting countries. It’s exploring different cultures, learning and being open to new. A travel-themed home interior can be just the right thing for you. Keep reading:

October 11, 2023
How to decorate a kid's room for academic success

How to decorate a kid's room for academic success

In this article, let’s dive into the secrets of decorating a kid's room to boost their academic success. When it comes to our children's education, every factor plays a crucial role in shaping their journey. Start this fun adventure of crafting a motivating learning space for your little learners!

September 20, 2023
7 pieces of Art Deco home decor inspired by movies

7 pieces of Art Deco home decor inspired by movies

Art Deco has a timeless charm. In this article, we'll explore Art Deco home decor inspired by movies. You'll discover 8 exquisite decor pieces that draw inspiration from famous films. From stunning furniture to fancy lights and accessories, these gems will add a touch of Hollywood magic to your home.

August 23, 2023
Plant guide for your home: how plants can make more alive any interior

Plant guide for your home: how plants can make more alive any interior

Plants can make a huge difference. They add freshness and energy to the atmosphere. In this article, we'll explore the amazing impact of having plants in your home. You'll be amazed at how simple it is to transform your living spaces just by bringing the outside in!

August 16, 2023
How to plan and decorate a small kitchen: tips and tricks

How to plan and decorate a small kitchen: tips and tricks

Small kitchen doesn’t mean you cannot cook amazing meals and have a great time baking. All you need is just a little bit of planning and the right layout that works with your needs. In this blog post we have compiled a few ideas on how to decorate a small kitchen so it feels spacious and inspires you to prepare delicious food!

Functional and cute decor for your bathroom

Functional and cute decor for your bathroom

Decorated bathroom always leaves a great impact. It has a very specific purpose, we tend to focus just on the functionality of the bathroom and forget about the aesthetics. This is one of the reasons why with just a little bit of effort, it is possible to create a stunning bathroom that will inspire you and your guests. Keep reading:

7 interior decor ideas for book lovers

7 interior decor ideas for book lovers

Are you a devoted book lover and want your room decor to show it? It can be small hints here and there. Plus a bookshelf of course. Every true book lover needs a bookshelf, small or big, in their home. Keep reading and get tips on how to decorate a room in a manner that reflects your interest in books!

June 07, 2023
Creative ways how to use peel and stick wallpaper In Your home décor

Creative ways how to use peel and stick wallpaper In Your home décor

Removable wallpaper can be used in different ways. Starting from wallpapering walls and ending with wallpapering furniture or picture frames. Keep reading:

April 06, 2023